Canberra, a pearl of beauty

Canberra is worth a visit, just don't stay longer than 3 day :)

I can just speak for myself, please consider that in the following sentences. This sounds like I am getting serious in the next couple of words. Don't worry that won't happen. I will just talk about a day in the capital of Australia.

On my way from Sydney to Melbourne which is a journey about 850 kilometers I stopped for two nights in Canberra. One day was packed with a lot of activity. "Early" in the morning, after a delicious breakfast at 9:30am I rented a bycicle and got my helmet. Because Canberra which by the way accidently became the the capital, is so wide spread, walking isn't a good idea at all. After 15 minutes on the bike and already far aways from the hotel I noticed that there is no locker attached to the bike. So I was taking an extra ride back to the hotel again. Finally I reached my first destination, the botanical gardens. It is so easy to walk from rainforest into the desert. All the plants of austrlia are shown and grown there. This is a huge success, when your consider that the temperature falls in winter almost to 0 degrees. Remarkable how they can grow plants from the desert of Western Australia. Continuing my race throught the city I decided to take a break and recover from the heat. I locked my bike and got some serious food and a delicious coffe in Canberra. The place is called The Cupping Room. On my way to the war memorial I came acrosse the university. Some engeneering students put giants bubble levels into the garden of the university. Furthermore and not far from the university the National Musuem of Australia is located. The entire building is interessting in the whole architectual way. I came around serveral nice buildings including the parliament, the greek inspired library and some churches.

Canberra War Memorial Museum

This palce is special, and one good reason why Canberra is a place to visit. I personally think that Autralia is celebrating their soldiers too much. I understand that these people served their country in a honourable way and that the different wars are an important part of Australia's history, but it should never ever be the biggest tourist atraction. It is important to educate people about past events, victories and loses, but when the education turns into inspiration a critical point of danger is reached. This musuem with all the atractive experiences for children just goes beyond education. Please don't get me wrong, musuems shouldn't be boring, nor should a war memorial be inspiring. If you are a tourist make sure you visit is anyways. You will come across some remarkable things like the first tanks ever made. Its name is Mephisto.

Old Parliament Museum

Another stunning example of musuem. The insights you can get here are extraordinary. Most of the old offices, broadcasting rooms and the senat is interesting. You can spend a lot time there. And it's really worth the penny you need to pay. I think they even offer tours. Find all the little surprises inside the rooms and really dive into practical politics from the last century. Beside the interior part of the museum, several detailled exhibitions tell different stories. After your visit in the disused parliament just follow the incredible straight street to the new parliament. See what is going on there and maybe go up to the roof and catch a view over Canberra.

Thanks! I appreciate it, mate!

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